Disability Services and Accommmodations

Requesting and using disability services and accommodations can be challenging. This page can help students find strategies and resources, including tips for addressing any problems with services and more information about the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504. If you need additional help, contact us or use the Search feature.

Disability Services and Law

Resources about everything related to college accessibility.

Disability Services Information for Students

If you’re a current or future college student using disability services and accommodations, this page can help you work with the disability services providers on your campus.

Talking About Disability

Resources for talking about disability with admissions offices, friends, faculty, and employers.

Roles and Responsibilities

This page provides a quick summary of who does what on campus.

Problems with Services

Resources for who to speak with, finding allies and mediators, filing a complaint, and taking action.

Grievance Procedures

This page provides a common outline for addressing most procedures involving student complaints.

Resources listed here include centers for independent living, disability legal centers, the U.S. government, and a technical report on disability law for higher education.

Not Registering with a disability resource center (DRC)

Tips for making an informed decision about using disability services on campus.

Animals on Campus

Helpful information on emotional support animals, therapy dogs, and service dogs.

Accommodations and Accessible Technologies

Accommodations are changes to the design of environments, auxiliary aids, and services that allow people with disabilities to access facilities and fully participate in programs at school or work. Here you'll find accommodations addressing the programmatic environment, the physical environment, the information environment, and access technologies.


Here you'll find ideas to help you understand your rights as a pregnant disabled student and a guide to resources at your school.


This page provides general resources and information about addiction and links to rehab and recovery programs.

If you are a professional providing services, be sure to check out the Disability Resource and Service Professionals page.