Legal Resources Beyond Campus

ADAPT protest

From the exhibition 'Access for All.' (Photo by Tom Olin). Public domain.

Centers for Independent Living

Centers for Independent Living (CIL) are state or city‑based, cross‑disability, nonprofit agencies that are designed and operated by people with disabilities and provide an array of independent living services. In addition to information and referral and other services, CIL's offer individual advocacy.

Visit the ILRU Directory to find a CIL near you.

Most states and cities have one or more Disability Law Centers that can be found online or in the phone book. DLC's take on legal cases for individuals and systems.

The National Disability Rights Network is a central directory of federally mandated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems and Client Assistance Programs (CAP) in every state and for Native Americans.

Check out the Bazelon Center 's information for student mental health rights.

ADA signing with President Bush

Public domain image

U.S. Government

The Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights enforces compliance with disability laws in educational settings, including postsecondary institutions.

How to File a Complaint with OCR .

The Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division enforces compliance with all federal civil rights laws, including those that address disability.