Disability Resource and Service Professionals

Campus Disability Resource Centers (DRCs) assist postsecondary institutions in meeting their obligations under federal and state disability law (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973). The resources below can help give you a foundation in working with college students with disabilities and keep you apprised of trends in the field of disability in higher education.

ADA.gov houses all information about the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Text of Section 504 PDF

Contact the ADA National Network for guidance about applying ADA regulations to your campus.

The US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights oversees institutions’ compliance with disability law and investigates claims of discrimination. OCR can also provide guidance to postsecondary institutions.

The Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) is the premiere professional organization that provides online and in-person education and training to DRCs to help keep them up to date on working with students with disabilities.

If you need additional help, contact us or use the Search feature.

If you are a student looking for information about requesting and using services and accommodations, see our page about Disability Services and Law.