Audience-Specific Resources

Here you can find resources for specific audiences, including adult learners, current and future college students, veteran students with disabilities, disability resources and services professionals, faculty and instructors, higher education professionals, online students, researchers and policymakers, parents and families, and more. Search for resources from the 10 audiences listed below.

College Disability Service Providers

This page is designed for professionals providing disability services and accommodations to college students with disabilities.

Current College Students

This page has useful information for college students with disabilities in the areas of academics and career resources. Future college students with disabilities may find this useful as well.

Disability Services and Accommodations

Requesting and using disability services and accommodations can be challenging. This page can help students find strategies and resources, including tips for addressing any problems with services and more information about the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504

Disability Resource Service Professionals

This page is designed for professionals providing disability services and accommodations to college students with disabilities.

Future College Students

Choosing to go to college is a major decision. This page provides information on finding and choosing a college, figuring out campus accessibility, and paying for college.

Higher Education Staff and Administration

We've collected a growing list of resources to inform you, assess your current operations, and share innovative approaches.

Information for Researchers and Policymakers

This page is designed to answer general questions from researchers and policymakers and includes helpful statistics, reports, and research and policy briefs.

Parents and Families

This page includes information and resources about the transition to, and through, college for students with disabilities

Faculty and Instructors

If you are a faculty member, adjunct instructor, or teaching assistant, this page includes resources that can help you provide accommodations and learn more about improving the campus climate, teaching students with universal design, and being (or working with) a faculty member or instructor with disabilities.

Special Education Teachers and Transition Coordinators

This page is for teachers and transition specialists working with future college students with disabilities and their families.