Get Ready! Quick Tips for Fall Semester

Finding the Campus Disability Resources Office

Almost ever college campus has an office that's responsible for working with disabled students. Some schools make it easy to find, but it can be hard to find right off the bat at others.

The offices have different names for the same thing:

  • Disability Resource Center (DRC)
  • Disability Services (DS)
  • Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)
  • Accessibility Services
  • DSP&S
  • DSS
  • on and on....

If there isn't an obvious link on your university's website, you can try:

  • Use the Search box and type in "disabilities" (the term "disability" often takes you to the Human Resources office on campus for some reason); the DRC is usually one of the top search results
  • If that doesn't work, look for the Student Life webpage or the Dean of Students page. DRC offices are often included in that area
  • If you still can't find it, that means the campus either doesn't have one, or it's part of another department. You can try contacting the office that sent you your acceptance letter, or the one that serves Freshmen or New Students, or Residence Life and ask if the school has an office that serves students with disabilities.

Next, a brief introduction to disability accommodations in and out of classes.

The NCCSD Disability Resources & Law page has lots of information about what a Disability Resource office is and what it does for students

Also check out our Clearinghouse page about rights and responsibilities of students, Disability Resource providers, and faculty.

Deciding whether you need disability services or whether to register right away? We have a page to help you decide about services, too.
