There is a lot of information out there related to employment and careers. In this area we've assembled resources for students, employers, IEP teams and vocational rehabilitation, and career services staff on campus.

Employment Information for Students

This page includes information for students working while in college, internships, looking at career options, and know you rights when it comes to employment.

Information for Employers

Employers can find information on hiring people with disabilities, providing accommodation to workers, and understanding their responsibilities to employees with disabilities.

For IEP Teams and Vocational Rehabilitation

The NCCSD Clearinghouse has a number of tools and resources to inform and help students transition to postsecondary options.

Employment and Students with Disabilities

There is a lot of information out there related to employment and career. Many government programs seek to connect people with disabilities to jobs. We've pulled together a few resources to get you pointed in the right direction.

Resources for Career Services Staff on Campus

Career Services staff play an important role in promoting employment among people with disabilities. In collaboration with Disability Services staff and other partners on campus, they counsel students on topics like disability disclosure or job accommodations, and foster internship, co-op and job opportunities.