Prove It! What is Disability "Documentation"?
Tips and Resources
Proving your disability, and requesting accommodations in college begins with you.
When you meet with disability services you should expect the documentation process to be timely and not be a huge burden on you.
DS needs to work with you on an individualized basis and keep all of your information confidential. You have a right to all of this.
While you don't have to register with disability services, be aware of the pros and cons of working with that office.
Learn More about Disability Documentation, Services, and Accommodations
Supporting Accommodation Requests: Guidance on Documentation Practices from AHEAD. This is further information that might be useful to you, and those who are providing documentation to your college.
Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities is guidance from the US Department of Education for college-bound students
Sometimes the documentation process can go wrong. Check out our Problems with Documentation handout (Word doc).
Books that might be helpful
Beyond Transition: An Interactive Workbook for College-Bound Students with LD and ADHD has more worksheets and strategies to help LD, ADHD, and other students in college.
Preparing Students with Disabilities for College Success is written mainly for professionals, but there is useful information for parents and high school staff.