Get Ready! Quick Tips for Fall Semester

No Disability Too Small

Some students think that the Disability Resource Center only works with those who have severe disabilities. That's not always true.

If you think that your injury or impairment is "minor," think again. It can have an impact on how you are able to perform tasks in or out of class.

A few examples:

  • vision in one eye that might slow down your reading speed
  • hand injuries or contractures that impact your writing or typing speed
  • conditions that impact your vocal cords or speech might impact class presentation requirements
  • foot or leg injuries or disability might make it difficult to get between classroom buildings in a short time

It's still a good idea to contact the Disability Resource Center. Depending on how the impairment impacts you, it might be considered a "disability" under law, and there might be accommodations to help.

Even if DRC isn't able to help you directly, you can ask them to help refer you to another campus resource or come up with a strategy to assist you.

The Dean of Students office or the Dean of your academic department can be a source of help as well.

In any event, talk with your instructor and explain the situation during Office Hours. Together, you'll probably come up with a solution that helps you to participate in class while meeting the class requirements.

We hope you have a good academic year!

Feel free to visit the NCCSD Clearinghouse or contact us with your questions.

Some Disability offices will assist students with temporary impairments like a sports injury. The student would have a different status from those with permanent disabilities, but could find some level of help or referral from the DRC.

Injured Student Athletes can often be served by the Athletics department itself. It's a good plan to contact both offices for guidance.

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