AHEAD Publications
The titles below are available for purchase from the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) .
Beyond Transition: An Interactive Workbook for College-Bound Students with LD and ADHD)
Mary Barrows, Jennifer Newton and Emily Collins
This interactive workbook is designed to guide you, a student with a learning disability (LD) and/or attention deficit disorder (ADHD), as you develop from a successful high school student to a successful college student.
Winning at Math: Your Guide to Learning Mathematics Through Successful Study Skills (5th Edition) (Academic Success Press)
Paul Nolting, Ph.D.
The new 5th edition of Winning at Math has been redesigned to read easier, while still featuring in-depth analysis in areas such as test anxiety, math anxiety, as well as the attitudes required to persist through a math course. Other areas of the book have been expanded to enhance the learning experience of students as they explore how to improve How to Reduce Test Anxiety CD attached to the inside back cover.