Voting With a Disability

Download the NCCSD Vote Poster for your office or campus sites

Every election is important and 2022 is no different. The races for Congress and local offices are hotly contested this year, and the COVID-19 pandemic adds extra stress and challenges to the process of voting. We've brought some resources together to help you navigate the upcoming election.

Have a plan for voting! If you need to stand in line, bring a folding chair, sunscreen, a hat, food & water, your phone, books, or magazines. Don't forget to invite a companion if you need assistance. Stay safe: bring a mask and hand sanitizer, too.

#CripTheVote is a non-partisan online and social media-based movement that seeks to energize and engage people with disabilities about issues important to the disability community. They house comprehensive information about the voting process, crucial topics, and breaking news, and include guides on candidate and party platforms regarding disability.

Federal Laws Protecting Your Right to Vote from the US Department of Justice

Disability Rights California shares some Q&A about voting , including voting by mail and accessible voting places.

Video from the Web version of this publication:

Your Vote Matters: The Voting Rights of People with Disabilities:

Your Vote Matters: The Voting Rights of People with Disabilities (includes general laws, plus information for Texas)

A step-by-step voting guide from the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network

Video from the Web version of this publication:

Voting With A Disability:

REVUP! Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power! Make the disability vote count.

REVUP! the disability vote with information and resources from the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)