Statistics about College Students with Disabilities
Transition to College
Research by the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS-2) on high school students in special education transition to higher education, the types of colleges they attend, how many identify as having a disability, the percentage in different disability categories
Undergraduate college students with disabilities
- American Association of Community Colleges DataPoints: Serving Students with Disabilities
- Number and percentage of students with disabilities in degree-granting postsecondary institutions (NCES)
- NCCSD Research Briefs have a variety of topics and research related to college students with disabilities, including employment rates and information about retention and graduation data available in national and federal datasets.
- The 2019 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) report of undergraduates
(including some information about students with disabilities (2019)
- Comprehensive 2017 NCES report focusing on students with disabilities, including retention and graduation rates.
- "Fast Facts" from the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education (2015)
- "Students with Disabilities at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions"
report from the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education (2011)
- 2021 research on College Promise programs and whether they increase equity (including TRIO Student Support Services grants)
- 2017 report on undergraduates with disabilities, women, and minorities in science and engineering fields,
from the National Science Foundation
- Students with disabilities in the social and behavioral sciences , from the American Psychological Association's research using federal data
Graduate students with disabilities
- A summary of data sources
from the Council of Graduate Schools (2011)
- Data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
(see Table 15) (2007-2008)
- Data on graduate students in science and engineering fields from the National Science Foundation (2015)
Older data and statistics
- From a survey of U.S. disability services providers - Association on Higher Education And Disability
(AHEAD) (2008). This information is collected on a regular basis for its members to use. Contact AHEAD for current reports.
- The first and second National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS and NLTS2) compared changes over time in postsecondary attendance for high school students who received special education services (not including students with 504 plans).
Data on people with disabilities in the U.S.
- Disability Statistics resource at Cornell University with data from the American Community Survey (ACS) and Current Population Survey (CPS)
- Annual Disability Statistics Compendium reports from the University of New Hampshire
- U.S. Census Bureau statistics on disability
- The LEAD Center has updated statistics on employment of people with disabilities , including state-level data
Specific Types of Students
- Reports and statistics on students with intellectual and developmental disabilities attending transition programs in higher education from Think College.
- Open Doors (R) Statistics on U.S. College-Level Study Abroad Students with Disabilities from Mobility International USA
- "College Students Speak: A Survey Report on Mental Health"
by NAMI includes statistics about how many students with mental and emotional conditions are using disability services offices.